About Energos
Energos Technology is a company with extensive experience in the provision of services, with three lines of business:
1. Hard Facilities Management Services.
2. Telecommunication Services.
3. IT Project Integration.
We are the strategic partner of established companies that operate nationally or have projects in various parts of Colombia. We offer support in activities that are not part of their main focus or need integrated solutions.
Brindando soluciones técnicas
Nuestros Servicios
• Small electrical and telecommunications adjustments.
• Pequeños ajustes civiles para las oficinas.
• Office refurbishment/transfer.
• Plumbing.
• Actualización de las nuevas tecnologías de los operadores móviles
• Fiber optic networks and structured cabling.
• Redes eléctricas convencionales y solares.
• Microwave radio links.
• Sistemas de circuito cerrado de televisión CCTV
• Zonas WIFI y Mesa de Servicio
• Señalización inteligente del tráfico
• Servicios informáticos gestionados
Con personal altamente cualificado!
Casos de Exito
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Ventajas de contratar EnergosTech
¿Sabías qué?
Ministerio TIC lanza el Plan Integral de Expansión de Conectividad Digital, hoja de ruta para llevar Internet a Colombia
El Ministerio TIC presenta el Plan Integral de Expansión de Conectividad Digital 2022-2033, una iniciativa diseñada para cerrar la brecha digital y garantizar una conectividad significativa y universal en todo el territorio nacional.
Este Plan, desarrollado con el apoyo de expertos, comunidades y aliados estratégicos, representa un compromiso histórico para transformar las vidas de miles de colombianos a través de la tecnología, llevando progreso y oportunidades a las regiones más apartadas.
Google introduces Willow, the next-generation quantum chip
One of the biggest challenges of quantum computing is errors, which are due to the fact that cubits (a cubit is the minimum unit of computation in a quantum computer) have a tendency to exchange information rapidly with their environment, making it difficult to protect the information needed to complete a computation. Typically, the more cubits used, the more errors occur, to the point where the system becomes classical.
However, today we publish results in the journal Nature that show that the more cubits we use in Willow, the more we reduce errors and the more quantum the system becomes.
Google unveils Gemini 2.0, the new artificial intelligence model for the era of AI agents
Note from Google and Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai: “Information is at the heart of human progress. That's why we've been focused on our mission to organize the world's information and make it accessible and useful for more than 26 years. In this vein, we continue to push the boundaries of AI to organize that information across all inputs and make it accessible through any output, so it can be truly useful to you.”